Sierra Sleep M9X5 Power Head and Foot Wallhugger
Adjustable Bed Frame- Rated for 650 Lbs
3 Year Bumper to Bumper Warranty

Bradley's Sleep Center Promotional Pricing
Discontinued - We do sell conversion kits for the bed though if you lost your old remote: HHC Ch05B (NOT AS OR ASFB VERSIONS) Replacement Remote -See Description (adjustablebedremotes.com)
The Sierra Sleep M9X5 Adjustable Bed Frame features a powerful motor rated to 650lbs of pressure and allows both the Head and Foot to adjust to preference in addition to a Wallhuger Frame and a wireless remote feature normally reserved for models over $1500. Its comes with 8" legs for standard boxspring height, but also is designed for "low profile" use by lowering the legs to 4". The M9X5 has a clean round leg design an updated low profile look and USB ports for convenience.
The wireless remote allows for Head, Foot, or Simultaneous Position Adjustment. This frame also carries a 3 Year Bumper-to-Bumper warranty but for an additional $120 we can increase the length of that timeframe to 10 years through Safeware (Purchase at Checkout).
Optional Headboard Brackets Available for $99 per set.
The wireless remote allows for Head, Foot, or Simultaneous Position Adjustment. This frame also carries a 3 Year Bumper-to-Bumper warranty but for an additional $120 we can increase the length of that timeframe to 10 years through Safeware (Purchase at Checkout).
Optional Headboard Brackets Available for $99 per set.